Seattle Citywide Swimming Pools Exterior & Interior Renovations

Citywide Pools Exterior & Interior Renovations 

Stemper AC has worked with Seattle Parks & Recreation for several years to renovate multiple public pool facilities. Our team surveyed existing building conditions at the seven pools. The primary focus was on design for upgrades and repairs, structural/ seismic improvements, building envelope repairs, life safety, ADA compliance, and interiors.

Ballard Pool :

We completed upgrades for both exterior and interior conditions at Ballard Pool, such as the roof and wall assemblies, concrete paving, handrails, joint sealants, drainage systems, pool deck, and main structure. The scope of work included:

  • Replacement of pool deck and tile
  • Replacement of deck drains
  • Replacement of plaster liners and lights
  • Replacement of filter system
  • Repairs to air duct system
  • Concrete repairs
  • Corrosion prevention
  • Design of contrast tile to steps
  • Reconfiguration of plumbing for spa pool



Meadowbrook Pool:

Our team completed replacement of the original exterior cedar siding in conjunction with structural seismic improvements. We replaced aging equipment such as the HVAC system and pool piping. The locker room facilities were reviewed for ADA accessibility and safety. Pool repairs and improvements included:

  • Installation of floor coating at the pool deck
  • Replacement of deck drains
  • Design of replacement of perimeter pool tile and depth markers
  • Repairs to concrete deck
  • Corrosion prevention



Medgar Evers Pool:

Medgar Evers is a concrete structure located partially below grade. Aging and long-term effects from weathering caused significant cracking and allowed water to intrude into the interior spaces. We completed replacement of the pool deck and waterproofing of the elevated pool deck slab, and replaced the pool tile. Additional scope of work included:

  • Replacement of deck drains
  • Replacement of plaster liner and lights
  • Replacement of bulkhead
  • Waterproof coating at exterior stairs
  • Installation of access doors under stairs
  • Installation of exterior wall sealant
  • Repairs to existing concrete cracks
  • Repairs to SBS roof membrane



Lowery Mounger Pool:

This facility houses two pools; a large teaching pool, and a smaller spa pool. The scope included mechanical equipment maintenance such as boiler room ventilation and make up water valve replacements, and pool maintenance items related to the plaster liner condition and gutter covers.



Queen Anne Pool:

Our team performed waterproofing and roof repair design, structural improvements regarding seismic support at the roof and walls, and interior concrete beams. Areas of the building were updated for ADA accessibility, and the pool deck and locker room flooring was replaced. Additionally, we completed:

  • Partial pool deck replacement
  • Partial deck drain replacement
  • Design of replacement of perimeter pool tile and markers
  • Repairs to concrete beam at the filter room
  • Miscellaneous concrete repairs


Southwest Pool:

Southwest Community Center & Pool offers a wide array of aquatic events and activities serving the local community. The center also provides meeting space for neighborhood groups and is governed by the Southwest Advisory Council. Stemper AC met with stakeholders, facility users, and maintenance staff to address each of their distinct needs.  Overall Project Upgrades Included: 

  • Plumbing replacements
  • Energy code upgrades
  • Fire alarm replacement
  • Automatic fire sprinkler system revisions
  • ADA restrooms & accessibility
  • HVAC replacement
  • Power distribution and lighting system replacements
  • Roof & Skylight Replacement
  • Roof & Skylight Replacement: The SW Community Center has a very complex roofing system and was experiencing interior leaking from the roof. Stemper AC and subconsultants investigated and surveyed the roof system and a new roof system was designed and skylights replaced.  
  • Construction Monitoring: Our team provided quality assurance and technical monitoring during construction, and conducted water-testing for the new skylight systems.
  • Replacement of plaster liner


Helene Madison Pool:

Helene Madison Pool, an approximately 20,000 sf facility built in 1970, is a thriving public pool facility for residents in north Seattle. It was originally built as part of the Forward Thrust ballot initiative in King County. As part of the initiative, Seattle Parks and Recreation constructed a number of swimming pools from 1968 to the late 70’s that were strategically placed in local neighborhoods. The pool is heavily used in the community, as it offers year-round programs and lessons for adults and children alike, and hosts a majority of the local school competitive swim meets.

In an effort to preserve and extend the life of the existing building for another 30 years, the Architect and Engineering team made a number of building infrastructure and interior improvements. Stemper Architecture Collaborative (Stemper AC) partnered with Building Envelope Technology & Research (BET&R) to address building envelope concerns. Modernization of the existing roof and existing diagonal tongue and groove siding were required due to issues associated with aging and long-term use. In addition to these upgrades, one of the focal points of the project was to improve the aesthetic and brighten the overall exterior. Stemper AC’s design, which replaced all of the exterior cladding and existing roofing, resulted in a significant makeover of the dated exterior and created a new identity for the building in the community.




As a publicly funded project, the design and construction budget focused on improving and upgrading infrastructure; therefore, incorporating aesthetic features were strategically selected.  While the majority of the existing building exterior is covered by foliage and is not accessed by the public, the design accents feature customized metal shingles installed on the most visible facades including those facing the parking lot and main entry. 

The Castle Top aluminum shingles were installed similar to traditional shingles and were installed directly on to sheathing with a concealed fastening system. The shingles have a turned-down edge on the front and a turned-up edge on the back for double sealing protection. The metal shingles, as a pieced-together custom system, provided great flexibility for design considerations.

The diamond-shaped metal shingles were applied at the selected exterior locations to minimize the large, solid-massed building facades and bring a visually tangible scale to users while also providing a playful and energetic appearance upon entry to the building.  As this building is located in the Pacific Northwest, Stemper AC intended the metal shingle cladding to imitate the look of sea creature scales while other parts of the building have subtle nods to the local orca whale fins in Puget Sound.

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