Seattle Public Schools

Ballard High School Roof Replacement & Solar Panel Installation


Our team worked with Seattle Public Schools to complete roof replacement and prepare Ballard High School for roof-mounted solar panel installation.

• Roof replacement of 145,000 sf at over 17 different roof areas
• Full replacement of a single-ply roof and all roof insulation with new, code-compliant insulation and a three-ply built-up roof assembly

Additional Details

We worked with SPS to quickly deliver construction documents and a specifications package that would enable the project to be completed in six months to ensure minimal disruptions to campus during construction at occupied times. We were able to implement a new contract delivery method for this project and successfully executed an E&I cooperative purchase agreement with a strong roofing contractor.

Solar panels were installed at two roof areas at Ballard High School to meet the maximum power generation currently allowed for the project site. The two roof areas include a low-slope roof above the auditorium and the steep-slope metal roof above the gymnasium.

Our team reviewed the structural and roof requirements of the existing building to coordinate solar panel placement and layout. At the low-slope roof area, our roof replacement project included the placement of structural support angles and steel pipes. The pipe was installed and embedded within the new roof insulation, then flashed and fully integrated into the new roof system. This was done to support the solar panel frame support system.


1418 NW 65th St, Seattle, WA 98117